Nuances Series #1: Unintentional Spike
This is the first post of a series, the idea is to post about some easy to overlook things while designing and building embedded hardware and applications. This post in particular is about a relay board which is driven over I2C. I was getting unintentional spikes on my load which is connected to the relay. At office, we are moving from C to C++ and I am new to object oriented programming. Learning theory is all good, but from my experience, we learn something well when we try to use it solve real problems with real constraints. So I started a pet project to build an IoT board based on ESP8266. I know that if I need to get something done, I should aim for MVP (minimum viable product) but this being more of a learning exercise than a project which needs to be completed asap, I started designing a platform independent code base which I would be able to leverage for future projects. (more about this probably in a later blog) Coming back to the topic, this particular board i am working...